Medical Video Production


Infuse has a long and proud history of producing traditional video to help increase understanding between companies and their customers.  Whether we are shooting a product demonstration, recording a surgical procedure, or capturing a heartfelt testimonial, traditional video is an incredible format for quickly visualizing important ideas and concepts while helping others understand your important message and why it matters to them.


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Creative Concepting and Storyboarding

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Scripting and Voiceover

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Experienced Production Crew

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Operating Room Expertise

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Traditional and 360 Cameras

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Full Post-Production Capabilities


Medical procedure videos lead the viewer through a series of steps of a given medical procedure, often for the purpose of training the viewer to be able to perform certain tasks and increase their aptitude.  Studies show that the viewer’s understanding and retention increase many fold when the training material is visualized through a visually engaging medium such as video.  Medical procedure videos are even more effective when combined with interactivity and qualitative testing in order to more thoroughly engrain the learning objectives in the memory of the viewer.

Surgical procedure videos give the viewer a seat in the surgical room in order to experience a medical procedure in process from start to finish.  Often the video highlights the surgical procedure setup, patient prep, instrument setup, patient incision, device implantation, patient closure, and cleanup.  The viewer also benefits from hearing the surgeon describe the process in detail throughout the of the procedure.  Medical procedure videos can be combined with virtual reality and post production graphics to allow the viewer additional interactivity and highlight key learning objectives.


Medical marketing videos are produced to communicate the features and benefits of a product or service and usually conclude with a compelling call to action.  When distributed digitally, such as on a website or through social media, or when used to support the pitch of a sales rep, medical marketing videos are extremely powerful and can have world wide reach.  They help your target audience visualize what it is that is so special about what you are offering, help them understand why they must have it, and compel them to pull the trigger.  Creative and engaging medical marketing videos are proven to boost ROI and sales many times over.


Infuse is expert at employing bleeding edge technologies of interactive and immersive video, including 180˚ and 360˚ video for use in virtual reality and augmented reality applications.  These formats are ideal for immersive visualization, interactive training, and highly-engaging learning experiences.  Additionally, with Solofire, you can distribute and manage your VR, AR, and 360˚ video content instantly, on any mobile or desktop device, worldwide.  When combined with interactive programming and embedded motion graphics, your VR and 360˚ videos will create an impact that the viewer will not be able to forget.



Q: How do I make a video?

A: Luckily, you don’t need to fully understand this question if you engage with us. This is what we do and we will lead you through every step of the process.  Step one is to start a project or contact us and we will start discussing the fundamental aspects of the video you want to make, such as the purpose of the video (the objective), the people who will be watching the video (the target audience), and what is it you want those people to do after watching your video (the call to action).  We will also need to discuss script development, budgets, deadlines, and a variety of other things, but to distill it all down to a simple answer, contact us and let’s get it going!

Q: How do I write a script for my video?

A: There are two options to get the script written, either you can provide the final script to Infuse or we can develop the script together. Infuse has a variety of experienced writers who know how to take a collection of ideas, features, benefits, and information and turn them into a well-written script that will help your target audience visualize and understand your objectives and take action.

Q: How long does it take to produce a video?

A: That’s like asking, how long does it take to finish a project! The cop out answer is: It depends.  It depends on the size and scope of the production.  Some videos we have produced in a few days and some take months.  Some of the factors that will determine the time it will take to produce include: the length of the script, the complexity of the production, the number of locations where the video will be shot, how many cameras will be used, the amount of on-camera talent involved in the production, their wardrobe requirements, the number and nature of the props involved, the amount of post-production required including graphics, special effects, color correction, and so on, the number of rounds of review required, the nature of working with a single decision maker vs. a committee of decision makers on the client side, the regulatory requirements, etc.  As previously stated, this is all second nature to us so give us a holler and let us help you start getting answers to these questions.

Q: How much does it cost to produce a video?

A: Due to many advances in video production technology and equipment the short answer is, not as much as it used to! Still, depending on the size and scope of your project and how many people involved in the process it can range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands.  Not a very definitive answer but let’s start a project or just give us a call and we can start to give you an idea of what you will be looking at.

Q: How do I distribute video?

A: The answer to this question relies upon a few factors including your target audience, the type of video you are distributing, what infrastructure you already have in place, and a few other factors.  Traditional methods include hard drives, flash drives, DVD and Blu-ray disks, etc.  Some of the newer technologies involve internet and web-based streaming, and mobile device solutions such as smart phones and tablets.  Additionally, there are some incredible cutting-edge technologies that have come on line in the last few years to provide many powerful options for content management and distribution of video which also provide analytics and valuable insights as to how your content is being viewed, shared, and consumed.  Give us a call and let us walk you through all of the options that fit your situation and help you implement the right one.